hello everyone - it has been a while since my last post. I hope everyone is in good spirits. Just wanted to touch base. I have finished my rehab on my right hip surgery and although i feel strong, i would have to give it a failed rating at this point due to my continuing pain and intolerance of normal functions e; sitting for lengths of time, walking distances, prolonged standing. my surgeon says that. 2nd procedure may be needed down the line due to the grade 4 cartilage damage that was in the joint space.
I am currently awaiting my left hip procedure to be done April 23rd.
Also, I must say that Social security sucks! I have attained a
Lawyer and I am in the long process that everyone calls "the system".
Still living in the chronic pain 24/7 but I am so used to it now that it has become a way of life. Meds wise, I am not crazy about
morphine as it is very drying to my body I find, but it does work decently to relieve pain. I have stuck with it for a few months now but I may ask to switch to a stronger "Oxy" or something else instead as i really dont like the drying effect. I guess everything has a side effect, it is just finding the lesser of all evils.
On the positive side of things, I am working a lot on my song writing and pursuing a publishing contract. I am also reading a lot and using my free time to strengthen my brain.
All the best