I've been going to a pain clinic for about
9 months. I have degenerative disc, spinal stenosis, anterolisthesis at L4-L5, retrolethesis at L1-L2, osteoarthritis,
and am factor five leiden(a genetic blood clotting disorder), also have peripheral neuropathy which leaves me with about 30% of active nerves. The point of this all are the pain meds I'm being given. I started with hydrocodone 5/500, moved to 10/325 when the pain seemed stronger, now am taking percocet 7.25/325. These still do not relieve my pain..but I'm being told to take them for another month(3 months now) and maybe they will put me at a tolerable level of pain. How do approach the nurse/practioner to get them to understand I spend most days just short of crying cause I can't take it anymore. In anyone's estimation are there better or stronger meds that I can take. I know everyone seems to back away from me because of the need to be on blood thinners...no surgery...no meds for the arthritis cause they all mess with the ability of the warfarin(coumadin). I am on disability, have a husband who's work burned to the ground about a year ago, is 60 like me and cannot seem to find new employment. Medicare is the only thing keeping me together for the moment and I feel blessed that I'm receiving it. Mostly my life is oh well I'm alive and alot of resting because too much of anything wears me out and I pay for trying to walk or move too much. Physical Therapy made me cry and never seemed to help. Epidurals do not work for me, besides they never want to do them because of the warfarin. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!