Posted 8/8/2013 8:23 AM (GMT 0)
Hello Worth! Not sure I understand, your asking your PCP to do what?
As for PM Drs, some are great and willing to accept input from you, some have certain meds they chose to prescribe and they set the way they treat you and usually don't ask or accept much input.
They are like any other Dr you see, having a good "connection " and being able to discuss things makes a better PM. The 1st one you see may not be your best choice and you may have to try several to get one that works for you.
The most important thing to remember with PM is they have a whole set of playing rules that have to be adhered to. Usually a contract, taking no meds from any other Dr without his approval first, cannot take extra and run out early, random or monthly urine testing and pill counts, cooperating in using alternative methods to help your meds. So different world then what many are use to.
In return you hopefully get a Dr well versed in CP and how to treat it allowing for a better quality of life.
Good luck!