You know Vickie at my appointment with my PM a few days ago I talked quite a bit with him about
the changing of the rules and how it was negatively affecting the legitimate chronic pain patients, he told me I was preaching to the choir, as he knew all to well how this was affecting patients, but there is nothing he can do about
. It is to bad to, because he is a very caring and compassionate doctor, and really does care about
his patients! But he like most doctors now days work in a group associated with a hospital, and in the end they put forth the policies that their employees i.e. (Doctors) must follow. Anyway he is one of the few doctors that I have ever met that actually cares about
his individual patients, as a whole being, and does not just treat one symptom, or cause of pain. When you go to your monthly refill appointments, you actually see the doctor each time and he spends time with you, going over any new or existing problems or changes, and then addressing them, i.e. ordering tests or ,making referrals, or scheduling injections or other procedures and all follow-ups. It is comforting to know even if I have to drive over 300 miles for my appointment, that he will still keep me on and continue to treat me as long as needed. So at least I can go ahead with my move, ( as soon as all the paper work is done, and approved, hopefully within 30 to 45 days)
White Beard