Thanks Vickie! In glad to hear he was being polite and respectful... That's my boy!
It looks like the fever has broken with IV meds. They suspect its colitis but they aren't sure if it will be a one time thing (due to the other issues) or if its the cause of the issue.
Tomorrow morning I will get a barium enema to see if that can give us a clearer view and perhaps breaks some of the blocked stool up. I have had some watery movements (sorry tmi) so they think its more of a constriction as opposed to a full on blockage.
They are checking to see if I can have some broth this evening but we haven't heard anything back yet so I'm not hopeful. I was complimented on being a great patient today and that made my day! I have been cooperating even through two gallons of Golytely (blah).
Hopefully someone will bring my son back up to see me tomorrow and he can bring my phone charger.
Vickie, I have been praying for your granddaughter (Susie filled me in when we spoke this morning) and I'm glad to see she is feeling better.
Talk to you all soon!
The very patient patient,