.....or if the zebras kick it.
I've had that happen more than once at the pharmacy, where each blames the other. The PA gets quite annoyed (or my Doc will get on the phone) tell me in a very frustrated voice they already sent it. Twice! (And they're not keen on repeatedly sending Rx's).
Where do they go anywhere? Same place where the lost socks from the dryer end up?
And of course the pharmacy will say they never received it.
I've gotten in the habit of phoning the doctor's office in front of the pharmacist when this happens.
But you're right. If it happens on a weekend, after hours, or when they're closed,....we're out of luck.
And God bless any covering physician who will call in a Rx for anything other than an antibiotic. I've had covering docs refuse to call in migraine meds....so I end up suffering and vomiting (well, they go together) for a whole weekend because the covering doc, who has access to years of my medical records and can see I've been on the same med for years,....won't do it?)
It's illogical squared.