I'd like to chime in and emphasize what Susie has said.
As someone who also has had a 7.5 hour surgery which included fusions, laminectomies, decompressions, transplants, and all that good stuff,....(which I mention only because when the surgeon goes in, there are so many different kinds of tissue they have to work with, and around, it's a very delicate area, extreme care must be taken, and this can be a lengthy process).
As Susie said, follow exactly what the doctor told you to do. Listen carefully to them. (When I was d/c from the hospital after surgery and went to the Rehab Facility, my very FIRST PT session included a dolt of a PT who had me bend, lift, and twist! I had to call him out on it, refuse to do it, and remind HIM that those were absolutely forbidden movements....I wasn't even a week post-op!)
So be vigilant and be observant. Be consistent. Follow your surgeon's instructions to the letter.
Also, as Susie mentioned, when it comes to healing nerves, it's not so cut and dry with a healing and regeneration time.
I am currently a little over 10 months post-op and only recently have I been experiencing some new (good!) neurological symptoms (and for me, considering I couldn't feel anything,...to feel something, anything....now,...it's all good!) And I'm sure I've got more to go.
Knowing ahead of time that patience will serve you well, will help you mend.