Posted 2/12/2014 10:07 AM (GMT 0)
First welcome to the forum NEP. We would love to have you start a thread of introduction for yourself so everyone can welcome you. On an older or longer thread people may miss you!
With all due respect your suggestions been tried. In the 1st wave of the "war on drugs ", in the last years of the 90s,first of 2000 many of you won't recall this since some were still children others had joined the ranks of CP yet. There was a man, CPer, fighting to keep the only med that had given him any relief in his journey at a dose the FDA was cutting from the market and labeling as a not recommended daily dosage. Drs that wrote OC were being audited by medicaid, medicare and their state license boards, sanctions applied to their DEA number for over prescribing and brought before the board for suspension.
Folks on OC at the time were finding their Drs running scared just like today! History repeats itself. This CPer decided to take a stand in pretty much the ways you've suggested. And he did! He built a website, forum, "good Drs page by states, started petitions, and lobbied at the government levels, he had massive support from others.
Finally, those powers that be noticed and at first responded passively but the bigger the forum got, the more loud and disruptive they were in their plight to make their voices heard? The more problems started happening.
The forums and boards were sabotaged, constantly hacked into, the Drs on that "good Drs "page had the DEA on their tails in every state, eventually the site admin and the biggest supporters started taking hits! Being denied medicaid after years of being on it. Being suddenly drug tested at their jobs, then being let go because they were under the influence of narcotics and their jobs couldn't allow them to work. Pharmacys suddenly not ordering enough of their meds or none at all, leaving them with none for days. The final insult was drug raids on their homes in the middle of the night, dragging their families out into the streets.
It became a fight that couldn't be won without great personal sacrifice for those leading it and the price was just too high.
Had I not been a member, a part in it all I'm not sure I would have believed the hades that rained down on those guys but I was and I did. Administrator closed the site and virtually had to go to a reclusive life to get them to leave his family alone.
So yea we could do all those things but is anyone sure history won't repeat itself?
Is any CPer willing to risk everything to find out?