If you are reading this please give me something:(. I was in to lifting weights and rigorous exercises. I have 4 children who I have a hard time keeping up with in the last two years. It's truly heartbreaking to not be able to hold your children or wrestle with my twin boys.
Two years ago I returned to my primary care physician with chronic low back pain. She referred me to physical therapy. I completed pt. He suggested it was my lack of flexibility. Next, the primary had an X-ray (normal results).
After she referred me to a pain management doctor. I also went to another physical therapist who thought the concern was my lack of small stomach muscle control from multiple pregnancies and surgeries of the abdominal area. MRIs of the lower back we're good. I was also seeking chiropractic care. She believes it is all structural.
The pain moved to my mid back and neck about
8 months ago. Mid back MRI had two slight bulges, but the pain management doc says that is not the source of the pain.
I have tried meds like Effexor and gabapentin without success. RELATED SYMPTOMS: 7 months of horrible anxiety issues (no prior anxiety issues), 7 months of constant infections (strep, pneumonia, 4 sinus infections, 4 bladder infections). I had never had any of these in the past 34 years of my life!
My newest symptom is tooth pain on the right side of my face; however the dentist does not see any issues via X-ray or exam.
I went from healthy super mom of 4, working full time as a teacher, and an individual dedicated to physical activity to feeling anxiety, unmotivated, immune compromised, and in constant pain. Could these all be related?
The back pain has been the constant. The others just started about
7 months ago. The only prior diagnosis I have had in my life is IBS. I am now seeing an ENT, Urologist, pain management specialist, psychiatrist for anxiety, chiropractor 2x a week,and will see a rhementologist (misspelled) next month. Any ideas? I'm starting to become depressed because I feel like it will never end. Some doctor somewhere has to have the answer...
I have made paragraphs so that it makes your post easier to read. Some of us have tracking problems when reading.
Post Edited By Moderator (straydog) : 3/12/2014 8:55:05 AM (GMT-6)