Iposted the following update in the PC Forum:
Well, things have gotten worse. In the past, I could do a lot of walking and that helped. But the problem has shifted: at first sitting was uncomfortable. Now, I cannot stand! Within seconds the pain starts and it gets worse the longer I stand (in short, I can't stand it). Yesterday, I taught but had to sit down about 15 times in a 80-minutes class. I get along great with my students, so no problem there. Today was my of-campus day but my wife had her routine colonoscopy today so I didn't get that much rest. I now have no problems sitting or lying down. Just don't ask me to stand!
Incidentally, as an aside, she went because her brother is a colon cancer survivor and she did have polyps removed last time. This time, 4 more polyps were found, We hope they turn out to be benign. They said one week for the results! We suspect they will be benign. But next colonoscopy in 3 years for her.
Back to my back issue, I suspect it is a disk issue as I am getting some leg pain (sometimes one leg and other times the other and sometimes symmetrical and other times no leg pain. The pain feels like a little inflammation but mostly like a pulled muscle. No numbness or electrical feeling or tingling. It may all be muscular. I have my first P/T appointment on Friday.
Question for this group: am I deluding myself that it could be muscular? My pain is like muscle spasms but mostly fatigue. It still feels muscular (maybe muscles protecting something?). Hopefully, P/T will be helpful.
I seem to have an aversion to taking any medications and so far I've only used heat (mostly) and ice, with only very short-lived relief. I will probably try and take some ibuprofin before trying the tramadol.
Another question: from my reading, I have a good chance of beating this thing --even if it is a disc issue -- short of surgery. Is this true? (This might be a biased group in the sense that for many here it seems not much has worked)