It's just that it's hard to differentiate between the new-to-me symptoms, that are known to appear months after serious cervical spine injury, and known side effects of Baclofen. I started on the Baclofen 3 weeks ago. That's when the spinal shock was mostly gone and the spasticity started getting into high gear. Since I haven't tolerated a theraputic dose of anything so far I was put on half the lowest dose once a day for the first week and am adding that much each week. I'm on 5 mg 3 times a day and really notice side effects - or maybe the central cord syndrome is suddenly worsening.
I am sure that the tinnitus, muscle weakness, nausea, drowsiness, worse mouth dryness, muscle stiffness and tightness, worse constipation and difficulty in urination and some headaches are due to the Baclofen. From that website I am not sure if the blurry and double vision may be due to it also.
My pain doc wants me to give this a good try since nothing else has been tolerable. I can live with it for now, but if nothing improves in a few weeks I'll have to stop it (weaning off slowly) and see if it's really doing anything positive. At least my legs aren't jumping all over the place or cramping now, but the muscle and skin pain never gets below 7 at best.