Posted 7/17/2014 5:36 PM (GMT 0)
I just began getting ultrasound treatments on my anterior tib. Two treatments so far.
Two months before my back surgery, I had....."The Fall That Changed My Life." Foot drop, no brace, slipped trying to step up a concrete step, fell on my left tib (peroneal nerve area) then *splatted* flat on my back and couldn't move my body. No memory of how I got to the hospital, etc.
Fast forward (as that fall happened 10/12, and my back surgery was 12/12)....well ever since that impact with my anterior tib, congestion formed at the site and never retreated. Back then the ED said it was bruised, not broken, and I probably sprained my ankle. (!!??)
I've had a perpetual swollen disc shaped area of congestion. We've been using Graston (which I adore!), but to switch things up and see if we can elicit a response/change, we're giving this a try to break up what we're believing to be scar tissue).
Anyone? Anything? Thoughts?