Posted Today 11:05 PM (GMT 0)
Hey Crihnie, I am aware that this is an old thread, but I was curious how you are doing? If you were able to successfully get off of opiates? I am in a somewhat similar situation and was looking for someone who could give me some advice or some insight as to their experience etc... I have been dealing with severe crohn's disease since 2011, maybe even 2010. I wasn't diagnosed til 2012, jan/feb. Anyway, ill spare most of my story other than that I began using norco for pain and at first i was taking 2 10/325s every 8 hrs, fast forward 5yrs and I was up to 4 every 4 hours, as my pain was out of control, and it was not due to the pills. I had major surgery to repair my diseased intestines-2internal fistulas, 1 of them with an abscess. Iblost 2ft of small intedtine at the ileum, and part of the bladder and colon to repair said fustulas and abscess, which was pressing on the bladder. Was in significant amount of pain. Anyway, i was real scared of having proper meds in hospital post surgery as well as post discharge. My surgeon was real understanding and extremely helpful. After surgery I was feeling really good, and was weaning off the meds. I was down to 1 pill every 6 hours and had atarted at 2 every 6 hours after discharge. Then my stomache pain both surgical and digestive, began to increase about 6 wks post op, as well as pain when having bowel movements. So slowly i began to take a bit more. Back at 2 pills every 6hrs. My pain is real, especially after any meal, even small ones, which is what i try to stick too. I am wondering if it could be withdrawls bit i find it hard to believe as I have been on such a steady doseage following the discharge. It feels exactly as my crohn's did prior to surgery. And now i am trying my best to just eat a single meal a day, as I am afraid of the pain from digestion and from going to the bathroom. I can pretty much expect that within an hour after eating I can expect to be in and out of the bathroom. And were not talking constipation. Anyway, i am willing to get off the opiates, but I am just nervous about the withdrawls, I have stopped taking meds prior to this, and my stomach usually would end up putting me back in the E.r. where they would administer pain meds, and the proof is in the pudding as they say, i would literally feel a million times better with the pain meds. So it was hard not to always turn back to them. So its hard to stop when thats the only thing beinging me solace, mone of the meds or biologics have had a beneficial impact on my symptoms. Im just scared and i know this isnt all just in my head. I write this now as i sit on the throne.... any help, advice input, personal experiences in the subject would be appreciated beyond words...