Hi all i am new to all this,so some friends who have the same problem as me.i would love to hear from you,
Mine all started in july 2003,with pain in my lower left side,which did move around,i saw my GP on the monday,which he put me off work for a week,cant think what he wrote on my sick note now,as i have had so many,he gave me antibiotics and said come back if i didnt feel any better,so a few days later i went back as i was just feeling sick all the time,he told me to come back in the morning for blood tests,but later that night my husband took me to A&E,they gave me pain killers and was sent home,only for me to return the next night,in alot more pain may i add,i was given morphine for the pain,which made me feel alot better,i was kept in,still no better after a few days,I was then take down for the doctor to have a look inside to see what was going on,while he was there he took my appendicitis,after that i still didnt feel any better,and two doctors was talk to one another and they then said diverticulitis,i was allowed home ,
I went and saw my GP as the doctor in the hospital also said i had ibs,which i told him i dont think so as my bowel movements have been the same for your,always soft and every morning,my GP told me the way to work out if it was my diverticulitis or ibs,
IBS you wont have a temperture all thou you will have pain,where as diverticulitis you will have a temperture,
Well 3 months later i was back at A&E,With pain & temperture,again i was given morphine and a drip,i was there for a week before i was allowed home,i then had an appointment for a barium enema,of which the nurses asked me why i was having this done,so we all made small talk,the nurse said oh yes there is one and there is another,so the next day i saw my GP and told him i only had two,only to my horror a few weeks later my GP rang me at home and said to me that i had loads ,i have been in and out of hospital ever since,i have even had the colonoscopy,
Some days i have good days and then i also have bad days,I only take my pain killers when i have too,even thou i am in pain every day,
I am also having alot of pain from my gall bladder,but i dont have stones been tested for that too,
Just feel like my body needs to go to the nearest tip at present,
I did smile today as i saw this on a web site this morning,(been on so many)saying
symptoms of IBS are confused with those of diverticulitis,
well this is my story,life gos on as they say.