I'm new here, but I am NOT new to the world of pain, neurologists, pain clinics, neck trauma-I've had two surgeries for a torn disc since 01-and I'll never be healed from that. Now, my lumbar area and both hips are all messed up! I'm taking (4) 10mg lortab and (4) 10mg methadone a day-just prescribed soma for the constant aching in my legs, and valium to help me sleep.
If my PM doc took me off my meds, I'd LOSE MY MIND-it IS the only thing that keeps me going!! I have a full time job, 2 teenagers, and soon, I'll be planning a wedding-my own. :)))
So let me tell you-what you are facing is NOT silly!!! I'd be devistated if I were facing this!! Find yourself a new neurologist NOW. One that cares more about
your health and your comfort level-a level that you can function at and live with-if you find one and that one doesn't pan out, move on until you do. Your rights are at stake and you need to be cared for.
Please don't be hasty-in the medical community one can be labeled as a doc hopper and heaven knows-they'll start thinking you are looking for narcotics. So just be careful. You know what I mean-my fiance had a HORRIBLE abcess in his mouth, and was due to get the tooth pulled the next day. The pain was so severe-and he has a very high level of pain tolerance-he was on his knees, shaking. I drove him to the ER, and I guess cause he is a young man (mid 30's) and is of the "blue collar" profession, they naturally thought he was looking for a script
-well, he was!! but it was for real. I'm tired of these jerks labeling people that really need help. They gave him a shot of novacaine IN THE ROOF OF HIS MOUTH w/o even a swab of numbing stuff on it, it made me cringe-and 2 five mg hydrocodone. What a joke. Then charged him 800 bucks for it!!
Sorry I tend to get off track when I am ranting about
the docs and such.
I wish you luck. I can't imagine what you must be going through. Please hang in there, at least you've been given enough time to find another b/f your medication runs out. Ask for ALL of your records, tests results, etc so the next doctor won't go through it all again and put you off.
It will work out!!! Keep positive. That is what everyone says to me, and it works.