I have not been around in a long time, i still come by and read everyones posts. I wanted to tell you my experience with Amitryptlian (sp). I was on it for about 2 and half months, and it did not help me at all. Now i now we are all different. The reason I wanted to stop was the extreme weight gain, in that span of time i gained 25 pounds. Doctor told me this was normal for that drug, well not normal for me, lol. Just research it some more. I take gapentin- Neurotin for my nerve pain and it works great. I just dont use it everyday because then when i do my body becomes so use to it, when i really need it to work it does not. I take it when the nerve pain is bad and it helps me a lot. I tried lyrica and it gave me horrible nightmares and i could not sleep on it.
Good Luck.