Does anyone else experience this? Even when my Crohn's is basically in check I find that I get so incredibly nauseous when I'm hungry. It's really frustrating sometimes because I'll be in bed and I want to rest longer before waking up but I have to get up and eat. I haven't thrown up yet because I usually can get some food in but I just dry gag a lot because of it if I don't eat in time.
It makes me nervous because I am having the dreaded colonoscopy in a few weeks. It's the first time that I'm doing the pills, I usually drink all the liquid. My mom was so frustrated with me last time (2 years ago) that she wanted to see it I could get some valium next time! I'm sure part of it is mental, but I'm sure it also has to do with the fact that I don't eat the whole and I'm really nauseaous in general and then I have to drink disgusting tasting liquid. Hopefully the pills will be better. . .but I'm not the greatest with taking pills either. . .I don't want to go through all the trauma and drama like last year, or put my family through it. But I'm worried that history will repeat itself. Any tests I've had to do (colonoscopies and upper GI series) I've thrown up everywhere and when it's something like the upper GI where it's done in the hospital, it's really embarrassing!