Well I first took humira when i was with my mom and she noticed my face and neck breaking out. I got pretty itchy too. I tried to shrug it off because i was going to look at a house i was thinking of possibly buying. After looking at the house I noticed I was not feeling better, i was getting the worse headaceh of my life, too. I also got muscle aches, shaking, blue fingernails, and the rash was spreading. I was on the way home with my husband when my throat actually started to swell up. It was a good thing I told him about it really quickly because after that I seemed to go in and out of consciousness- by then he was already whisking me away to the ER.
Fortunately for me I was ok but I worry that someday, it might not be that way for someone! Luckily my throat swelled up slowly and then when it got bad I was at the ER. I think it's always smart to have someone around that can take you to the ER or dial 911 if needed.
Unfortunately because of this my doctor has cut off the humira and doesnt want to do remicade either. One thing that will probably make you feel better is that I react to a lot of medicines pretty badly. None as serious as humira, but i have a sensitive system
i'd be glad to answer any other questions! lauren