Hello Hello! Yes, the makers diet is the ONLY thing that has helped me! Everything you are saying is the same for me, bloating, gas, fatigue... right now all I eat is water, meat, some veggies, berries, limes, lemons, grapefruit, almonds and some other nuts in small quantities.
I have to avoid most grains including wheat, oats, barley, rye I think. I can eat rice...there is a different kind of sugar in it. I avoid dairy, though goats products are easier to digest. I avoid coffee. The main thing that causes bloating for me is onions...even just the slightest bit...just onion powder means I am bloated for a day or two.
the best thing to do is either read the makers diet or just clean out your system and after that is done, start your self eating one thing a day something that doesn't bloat you...like meat. if you aren't bloated after maybe two days of this, then anther thing, like avocado, or raspberries, or grapefruit or something that I have listed above. When you find things that don't bloat you keep them on your list. dont add two things at once, and don't add things like sauces..you have to go very very basic here..one thing at a time, one new grain, one new form of dairy, one new vegetable, one new spice...its rough..but worth it.
even strange things like red wine vs. white wine affect me differently.
I hope this helps..(get the book right away!!)