So sorry to hear about
your hospital visit. I have had a couple of those myself and I very clearly remember the fear of eating when I got back home. I was pretty careless back then, and I love to eat, so after soft foods for a few days I returned to normal. I always avoided salads and citrus fruit. I had a small bowel resection after my last hospital stay because the buckets of medicine didn't help any more. Since then (1993), I have not taken any med's. Over time I have given more thought to what I eat and the fact that I still have Crohn's disease. I like to read about
what helps others (such as Healing Crohns the Natural Way by Virgina Harper). Try Miso soup, bananas, and rice. Try making soups and puree some. What about
a juice extractor to make drinkable vegetable mixes (romaine, kale, lemon, and apples). All fiber is removed. Peppermint tea works great. Someone once told me to try peppermint extract drops before meals. I also stay away from garbage, you know the tasty stuff (meat, dairy, sugar, packaged stuff, breads, etc). Most importantly, don't beat yourself up with worry and stress. Stay positive and get outside as much as possible. Take the medicines but also find natural ways to heal yourself, to get to the root (if possible) of the disease. It is hard to find time for taking care of oneself, especially with work, kids, etc.
Hang in there and smile!