Thanks Mary,
You are right and I know that. Somehow over the last year I have arrived at this point. Since I was 12 years old I have dealt with this DD and have never felt sorry for myself (with the exception of a day here and there). Part of it may be that I have been having marriage problems. My husband has become very demanding...he has started to expect more for me than I am able to do. He is also very critical of my business (I am and Princess House Consultant and do this part-time). I have been doing this and love getting out with women, he is not happy because I don't make enough money to suit him. Does not understand that it's not just about the money, it's also about my sanity. I homeschool our son and didn't work (haha) until he was 12 yrs. old. I believe alot of my anxiety is coming from the situation at home. Also, my guts have started that rumbling again and I am terrified of being sick again.
When the Crohn's was active I would sit on the toliet and be throwing up in a trash can. The pain was horrible, and the lack of understanding from my husband was even worse. To this day he doesn't seem to get it. Gets annoyed when I can't go out and do something with him in the morning. He is overall a good man, I just think he has a hard time understanding. He says things like "oh, I forget you can't go out in the morning" or "Your tough, you can handle it" or, my personal favorite "you look so good, I forget you don't feel good".
I do need to make my list of what to be thankful for. I do need to stop focusing on the negative; and start focusing on what is good in my life. There is alot to be grateful for, I just have allowed myself to spiral into this negative, anxious person. I will take your advise and starting today will make that list, and conscious effort to stay positive.
I here stories like yours and realize I am very fortunate! I am glad you and your girls are out of that horrible situation! Thanks for your prayers, can always use them!
Love and prayers to you too,