I had terrible pain in my feet, it was difficult to bend my foot at all or move my toes, like my foot had locked up. Anything to touch it or walk on it hurt really bad. It hurt that much for weeks. My foot would always hurt no matter how much I did or didn't use it. The only thing that marginally helped was to tie a heating pad to my foot and put it on the hottest setting, but as soon as I took the heating pad away it would hurt really badly again.
I remembered reading somewhere that vitamin D is important for your muscles. I went and bought some vitamin D pills and made sure I took 800mg a day. My feet felt a lot better after about 4-5 days, but it still got pretty sore from walking on it. After 2 weeks my feet were completely better and it doesn't give me problems anymore. Literally the only thing I did different was to take the 800mg of vitamin D each day.
Hope that helps you guys too