Migraines are my nightmare..... I suffer very often with migraines, and they last 2-3 days. Sometimes I can handle them, sometimes I have to lie on my bed, no lights, no sounds, no voices, and try to sleep. When this gets out of control, I give in and take an NSAID pill (called Mesulid here in Greece), which I know is bad for my gut, but it's the only medicine that can ease my pain.
For me my migraines are much more debilitating than my Crohns, because at least when I have a Crohns flare up, I can work!! When I have a migraine I can't do anything.
What I found out that helps me is the following:
1) The key is to "catch" it before it gets worse, meaning when I wake up in the morning with a headache, I know I have to take something before the symptoms get out of control.
2) Sleeping is a great medicine, at least for me, it eases the symptoms.
4) Hot shower / bath. It relaxes all the muscles, including your head.
3) Massage. When having a migraine or a headache, ask somebody to give you a massage around the shoulders or your neck, it eases the symptoms, because it's like you "draw" blood in another area than your head, giving your head a chance to relax from the pressure.
The combination that works for me is: first I take a warm shower. Then I take an NSAID pill, and go to sleep.
Maybe my english is not so good, but I really hope you understood what I meant!