I personally dealth with C. Diff for 8 LONG months. I acquired it either from working in a nursing home (I am a CNA) or during a hospital stay.
C.Diff is a very difficult bug to treat. 80% of folks treated will recover completley with one or two rounds of antibiotics. The other 20% (me) have what is called reoccuring/relapsing c.diff.
There are two main antibiotics that treat c.diff... flagyl and vancomycin. Flagyl is cheap...but if that doesnt work, vanco is definately in order.
C.Diff is so hard to get rid of because it uses a spore form to protect itself. While in this spore form, it is almost impossible to kill.
Washing hands is VITAL...antibacterial hand sanitizers do absolutely nothing for c.diff. Also, dilute some bleach in water and put it in a spray bottle. Spray down the toilet and areas touched by your father after he uses the bathroom.
There is a support fourm called www.cdiffsupport.com that is SO helpful for anyone dealing with this super infection.
having Chron's you need to be extra careful and educate yourself on this monster as much as you can.
Hope that helped.