I am new to this forum, but not to Crohn's disease. I have been living with it since the early 1990's. I did have the balloon procedure a few years ago. It staved off surgery for 3 years so that was a good thing in my estimation. I found this forum (and your post) looking for info on Crohn's disease and diet. I have taken away all wheat/gluten in the last 24 hours and am seeing amazing improvement from the flare up I was having. I already stay away from dairy all together except for aged cheeses (naturally aged cheddar). So I guess my only advice (being new myself) is watch your diet carefully. It is a very real key to feeling better or feeling worse. I had a chiropractor/kineseologist tell me about
the no dairy/no wheat for anyone with any type of IBD. I think I am onto something with this and wanted to share it with you. Also, stay away from sugars. They seem to feed the disease and make it worse. Hope this helps!