Rosie, that's really helpful! Thanks. I would have dolled myself up for this appt (it's in the city; I tend to make more of an effort) and it's good to know I won't have to this time.
Julia, I have been on Rem and am now on Humira but (praise be!) have been having aches for most of my life so I don't think it's the medicines. But yes, I've also had the Rem aches - aren't they awful! It took me ages to *stop* the doctors from blaming my aches on Rem, so I'm not going to let them start thinking that way again
I have three appointments that day - let me guess; don't get *any* blood tests done until I've seen all three doctors, eh? Better to be jabbed once than three times...
Rosie, so would these be extra symptoms I should tell him about
* occasional numbness and tingling in hands, arms, feet and legs
* a tendency for hands to go purple and numb, legs to go purple and for feet to get really cold
* mouth sores (probably Crohn's though)
* photosensitivity, esp on hands
* sensitive skin, triggered by some foods and household cleaners
* constant ringing in ears, hearing things that other people can't
* cold sores
* fatigue
* very traumatic childhood