I am sorry you are having so much pain.I had a fissure that was painful like that. Did the sitz bath and numerous creams, also. The thing I found that worked best for me was a nitro glycerine cream.Nitro-Bid.. The GI doctor suggested it.Nitro glycerine does give some people headaches. It did me, but it was a trade off I could handle. I really hope you get some relief.
Diagnosed Crohn's, 1998..Gangrene Small Bowel,1998..Ostomy Take Down,1999..TPN for 5 1/2 months..Adhesion Removal,1999..Abdominal Hernia Repair,2000..Kidney Artery Bypass,2001...MEDS--Lomotil,Purinethol,Folic Acid, Fish Oil,Remicade,Levsin SL,Anamantle Cream,Cortifoam ,Ultram.and many more. 26 meds..