Ok if I do indeed have Crohn's (waiting results of blood test to tell me for sure), and my joints hurt plus a few
filling with fluid (right knee and left arm elbow), my current Crohn's doctor keeps saying he can't treat my joint
pain, he can only treat my Crohn's. Ok I understand this, but if the joint issue is due to the Crohn's flaring,
and he treats the Crohn's, the joint issue should just go away too right? Why would I need to see
a joint doctor as well?? Joint doctor said I have Inflammorty Arthritis. Ok yeah but I have it because
I'm having a really bad Crohn's flare or flare of some sort.
When this all started with me almost 9 years ago, I had this same thing happen. I was going to Rhem. and
back then they were just shooting my joints with cortisone. I finally got to a GI and when I had my scope,
he said I had Crohn's and I was admitted to the hospital for 5 days. Once I got treatment for the Crohn's,
I felt 100% and joint pain was gone.
My GI doctor now (not the same one that said I had Crohn's) is not listening to me when I'm trying to
tell him that my joints hurt because I'm in a flare. He keeps wanting me to go to the Rhem. If he would
just treat the gut issue, the joint issue I'm almost sure will go away.
I'm going to meet new GI doctor Friday and hoping he will listen to me. :-(