So I have been having these intenses pains on my sigmoid side of my colon.I have crohns all throughout my colon. Im gettin these pains when i have BM they are sooooo bad i almost pass out. My doc says they are bowel spasms when i saw him 2 months ago and said if they act up again come back and see me.So im seeing him on friday. I used ot get them abbout 1-2 a week..sometimes they'd go away for couple weeks.But ever since i got my remicade infusion 2 weeks ago im getting them everyday everytime i have a bm.I have had some blood but i thnk thats froma fisssure that hasnt healed.I was told that remicade can make strictures worse. i had a scope done at xmas and he said i have soem scarring.Has anyone had a stricture???
any feedback would be great.