I do the CBT online and I also am talking with my doc as a therapst
HE knows me better than anyone really ..........
And I can talk to him about
I think alot of what you have said makes sense
I was never a depressed kid growing up but had always been anxious and stressed out to the max
'OCD is a biggie for me as well ......
CBT is helping there too
CBT is supposed to help Change the way you think of things and self ...as well as other issues as you know
Some meds we have to take ( I take ) may certainly have an effect on my seratonin levels but I do not get depressed very often I have fallen into a severe depression 2 times in over 2 yrs ..........
The last episode was my siblings saying I had killed dad by taking him off machines,,,,only said it a lot differently'Dad never wanted machines and there was a DNR on his kardex
'I have no shame nor guilt over my decison'Dad is al fixed and with Mom thats all I ever wanted was for their souls to be at rest.......
It is proven that chemical imbalances in the brain can cause depression.........
The Antidepressants are supposed to fill the void of the chemicals one is lacking from my understanding.....
I may be corrected
I do think it is only natural that you can be depressed if one day you are fine and the next you are suddenly living with a chronic illness
It changes your life in so many ways .........
BUT as was said we can always find the "GOOD" in some of those days too
Just my opinion.........LYN
** have you checked out the a/p forum and the depression forum??**