A wise man and my mentor has said very aptly
"you have to find the good in days as well to get thru them " ( not quoted ver batim)
THIS is so true
We have a chronic illness yes we do and it is the crappiest to live with ( pun intended)
You cannot make arrangements ahead of time as you dont know how you will feel
There are SO many things that can and do go wrong with us
If you take the time to think of the good in your lives you will see that yes we can fight this with "good thoughts" "good ideas"
WE can still look outside see the beauty of Nature
Go for a ride on our Bikes (Harleys) or others
We have so many things to be thankful for
ME.....I am thankful for waking up to a new day
.....Having the chance to look after Mom and dad til they passed and making so many wonderful memories
...I am so thankful for Caitlyn and her inner strength.empathy and love for fellow man /woman /child
I am so thankful I have a fantastic Doc that listens to me and we discuss my TX
he just doesnt decide w/o my input
I am so thankful for my GK's although I dont get to see them
I am thankful my 34 yr old son finally grew some kahoonas and left his S/O and went to Alberta .........they were not meant to be together ...his words.....
I am thankful for all the pain and hurt I have gone thru and survived in my 54 yrs as it I believe has made me the person I am today .........A Survivor and Fighter
I am so Bleeding THANKFUL that
I am ALIVE......DD or not ...I am ALIVE
What is it that is good in your life ..........?? Share if you will plz
Sometimes what you post will inadvertantly help another
Thanks my friend.......LYN.