Thanks to all who have posted in my other thread, but I thought this one needed it's own. I've been reading a lot since I've been here and I'm a little nervous to be honest.
How many tests, what kinds, what symptoms do you have, and how long did it take for you all to get a diagnosis?
I've been reading a lot lately on here that people who have all the symptoms and who even had a previous diagnosis of crohns are having scopes done and being told they don't have anything. I'm scared this is going to happen to me. I have that kind of luck and like I told the GI, the severity of my symptoms come and go so I'm worried that with all the waiting I've done to just get in to the GI and then the wait for the colonoscopy that my symptoms are going to go away and they won't be able to find something. He said it's possible, but the fact that I've had diarrhea for years and the rest shows there's obviously something wrong. I hope he's right.
My GI says I have many of the symptoms of crohns plus some family history so that's why I'm here...he also said though it could be ulcerative colitis, or just really bad polyps which would explain the bleeding, but not everything else.
Symptoms I have are
diarrhea anywhere from 5-10 or even more times a day and this has been going on for years, maybe four or five years to be exact...just recently got worse. I very, very rarely have a regular bowel movement or just one or two a day.
rectal bleeding with and sometimes without a bowel movement. this has also been going on for years. in the past it's only been like a few drops of blood in the toilet or some when I wiped, but this past month it has gotten pretty extreme to the point where I couldn't even see through the toilet water multiple times.
severe lower back pain...this one just started with the severe bleeding
mouth sores that my family doc can't explain or diagnose...I've seen her multiple times over the past 2 years for this
a mysterious rash that comes and goes, but doesn't spread if I itch it and again the family doc can't figure out where it's coming from or why. when I asked her to investigate though she said and I quote..."don't go looking for trouble"!
multiple blood tests have come back with high white blood cell counts which I've been told means there's inflammation somewhere in my body. where in my body that is my family doctor AGAIN has no we sense a pattern here?
I think that's about it. I have joint pain, but blame that on being overweight, maybe it has something to do with this also...I don't know.
Also I am currently trying to change family docs lol. I'm sick of her...oh what can I call it...maybe laziness? She's known about all my symptoms and has never put it all together. The first thing the ER doc said to me was "have you ever been told you have crohn's disease or a colitis?".
I'm very interested to hear your stories. Thanks in advance! You guys have been a great help to me so far.