I want to thank you all for your advise. It is so appreciated. The disability issue is not something I and my husband have taken lightly. We have given lots of thought and many conversations to it. It being his idea. I think the daily stuggle bothers his as much as me.
Unfortunatly, I do not have short/long term disability thru my job. Work at a small CPA firm. Wonder for those who have applied for disability did you do initial application on the internet or your local office? As far as records will I need to obtain those or will my physicians provide?
bektod, I know exactly how u feel. I began reading your reply and thought I wrote it myself. I have given at my job and given and given and now I'm at the point just don't have anything else to give, mentally and physically. Evertime I think about disability I tear up. My take is I feel like a slacker, too. I've tried for so many year to NOT let this CD get me but at this point it's winning. Just tired.