Keeper said...
Well, it is not advertised, but taking PPI's like aciphex is known to promote food allergies - one of the causes of esophagitis. It works like this: the PPI reduces the acidity of the stomach to the point where the digestive enzymes don't work properly (they only work in a certain range of pH). Undigested food passes into the gut where the food proteins can encounter your gut mucosa. If you have Crohn's, you almost certainly have increased gut permeability and the food proteins can pass through the mucous membrane and trigger an immune response. See:
Keeper, my naturopath suspects I have low stomach acid, which is contributing to my problems. I'm using betaine to try to get my acid levels up. I'm supposed to feel a warming feeling in my stomach which will tell me that my acid levels are rising and I can then reduce the betaine. However, nothing is happening.
Do you know of any other methods to increase stomach acid?