I got my first blood clot in my knee when I was 21 and in college and did 3 months of coumadin treatment. They took me off and I had a near-fatal stroke that summer and needed brain surgery. I also developed multiple clots in my liver and am therefore indefinitely anticoagulated.
I'm in grad school now and the coumadin doesn't really bother me anymore since I keep a stable diet and avoid risky behaviors. Also, I only get my blood checked once a month (at a clinic) and they do a finger-prick instead of blood drawing. If you can find a place that does this, I highly recommend it.
There's a good chance that you have a true clotting disorder (protein S or C deficiency, etc) since you are experiencing multiple clots. These disorders are more common in people with ibd than the normal population (according to several scientific publications). I am sometimes anxious to stop the anticoagulation as well (only 24 yrs old) but I know, realistically, it is not worth the risk.
I know for a fact, though, that you CAN NOT up your intake of vitamin K as suggested by Kasper because this increases clotting (and interferes SEVERELY with coumadin dosage). It sucks being on a blood thinner, especially when my crohns is causing GI bleeding, but it would be much worse to be back in the stroke unit for another month of my life not knowing if I'm going to survive.
In the end, you need to discuss this at length with your doctor if you are considering stopping anticoagulation. In my case, I'll be visiting my coumadin clinic once a month for the rest of my life.
Good luck & be careful!