Thanks for your replies. I'm trying to understand them, but even with a Bachelors degree I find that when I read some of the comments about
what is happening inside of us I just don't understand it. I suppose that if I keep studying, I will eventually understand. Anyway, most of my allergy blood work has come back. My inhallant RAST tests said I'm showing no allergic sensitivities to grass, trees, weeds, ect. The food RAST is showing no allergies to soy, eggs, wheat, peanuts, and there were a few others. I'm still waiting for the rest of the food RASTS to be finished. I'm very perplexed since the docs swear that my sinus inflammation must be from allergies. Also, my childhood allergist said that I would develope new allergies as an adult. I have been told that if no allergies show up I have Vaso motor rhinitis which is treated basically the same as allergies. I'll still be taking sudafed, and using FLonase, but I won't need an antihistamine. It's an interesting connection, though, between my allergy history and the Crohn's.