Ok fellow crohnies and uc pals.... I used to post on this forum and it always made me feel better to vent or pick on myself. So I was here reflecting on the past ten years that I have had c/d and I thought of several occurences that just made me bust out laughing. The past two weeks of my life have really sucked so I figured why not do something to somewhat lighten up some potty moods. And what better way than to laugh at yourself instead of the expence of others. I have two to start us out.
First one goes... It was 5 in the morning in the army at ft sill, ok. I was to have a PT test that day and I was in the middle of doing my sit up event when my gut decided to have a GI bleed. Of course the guy that was holding my feet really freaked out as did the rest of my platoon. Now ladies this is in no way meant to be offensive to the opposite sex so please please don't take it the wrong way. I was in an all male infantry field group so they really didn't know how to react to a guy that looked like he just had his cycle. Needless to say the platoon commander briefed the troops about my condition and when I returned from my 4 day stay at Reynolds Army Community Hospital I was greeted with a few chuckles and a really large box of maxi pads. I'm sure it was pretty insensitive at the time, but it made me feel better that the group that I lived with didn't treat me like someone with the plague, but someone with a health condition that wasn't contagious.
My second event was much worse because it was in a more public setting. I was in alabama visiting some family and of course my wife wanted to visit the mall while we were there. I'm not big on unfamiliar places especially if I don't know where the quickest way to the restrooms.. And this mall was huge so you figure they would have many restrooms. They had two to be exact! one at each end of the mall. So I am smack dabb in the middle of the mall. I end up having a accident very very embarrassing. I couldn't make it a half mile to the end of the mall. So I went to a deptment store stall after my wife purchased me some new digs and I ended up borrowing one of my 10 month old son's diapers for added security. It really sucked that day to have crohn's and I haven't stepped into another mall since then and probably never will... to many bad memories..lol.
Ok... I have said mine... what is yours? We are all stuck in the same boat so we might as well have a laugh about some of the pickles this disease usually prevokes. God Bless You All!!!