Wouldn't it be great if someone created a dictionary for CD? I'm not new to this scene, but I was thinking today, how many types of Crohn's are there? I hear of Fistulizing Crohn's and Crohn's Colitis and don't really know what the differences are between them all. Also, I was thinking of when I first came onto this site and couldn't understand what hardly anyone was talking about
because of all the lingo, CD slang, and abbreviations. So I thought for the newbies we could compile a list of all the funny (and i guess not so funny) terms we use.
I thought of a few obvious ones:
CD = Crohn's Disease
UC = Ulcerative Colitis
DD = D**n Disease
Crohnie = all our fun and fabulous friends that we meet here that have Crohn's!
I would love to compile a list of definitions and give them to my family!
so, post as many as you can think of!