Thank you all so much for the welcomes and replies. This site has really been wonderful and I LOVE the fact that I am talking to people from places I can only dream of visiting. Everyone is so nice and supportive. I will definitely be contacting the company HR department about
the Long Term disability leave. That has never been mentioned to me by them. I feel, like I'm sure so many of you do, that the company I worked for does not understand the seriousness of CD and probably really don't care. I have been very fortunate in having great support and understanding from my two sons, family members and a wonderful best friend (I'm proud to say we have been friends since high school and will not say how long ago that was! LOL) I do have alot to be thankful for (and try to remind myself of that daily) and there are so many of you that have it alot worse than I do and my thoughts and prayers go out to you. Thank you all for the support and God bless you all!! One of my favorite sayings is "If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it." I, we, just have to keep the faith and practice what I preach!