Hi All,
To cut a long story short I suffered a really bad flare up of my Crohn's last year but this has successfully been brought into remission and I am on Azathioprine (75mg) to keep it there.
Unfortunately, I got a really bad peri-anal abscess that I had drained (twice after they discovered a fistula) and have been having it packed for nearly 5 months now. Aaaahhh
My question to you all is about this weird fatigue I have. I get really physically tired, so much so that I can't stand up straight for longer than a couple of minutes, if that. Which makes washing up, standing in a bus queue, having a shower really difficult. Weirdly, I can walk for up to half an hour and be fine but just can't stand still.
Does anybody else have this or know what may cause this?
I know I am anemic (hb 10.6) and take 2 iron tablets a day but this does little to increase my blood count. THe tiredness happened during my Crohn's and throughout my abscess but now my wound is healed I would have expected it to go now. My Dr is looking into anemia possibly caused by thyroid problem, b12 or folica acid defieciency causing these symptoms.
Maybe the azathioprine is causing this or a B12 deficiency? Any ideas or experiences of this anyone?