Hi everyone... saw the GI last Thursday... my CD meds have been changed and I don't know if its just the transition phase but I am having more cramping, cold sweats and spending half the night bent in half in the bathroom than before. I 'm having a lot more pain.. when I eat, drink... just a constant pain in my upper left quadrant... hurts even more when I lie on my back. Anyone else experience this.
Also , I am having an iron infusion on tuesday... and I'm not sure what to expect. Will it be uncomfortable. The GI said it would take about 4 hours... Will there be any nausea... ? Do I feel better soon after. Right now I am so fatigued all the time, really fatigued . and my joints hurt a lot... lots of headaches too. I'm hoping this will improve after Tuesday... I don't know if I should give the new meds a longer time to 'kick' in.
It is called Salofalk... which is aspirin based isn't it? I can't take Ibuprofen without getting a bleed... wouldn't the aspirin do the same. ? I used to be on Sulfasalazine but was getting headhaches all the time. ... .
Any advice. ?
Love and prayers to you all ,