I'm getting ready to fly up to see my parents, I have not traveled in a long time. (2002?) I never did travel well, even before I was DXed, and the last time I did i was in a complete remission. as of right now I am in a flare, a bad one for me and I'm hoping I'm through the worst of it. I really wonder if stress could have brought this on. I'm absolutely terrified to go on long trips. even a trip to the theater is nerve racking, which is probably why I have only been a couple of time in many years.
what can I do help myself get through this
a little background, I found out hard way I was a Crohnie. I went to the hospital thinking I got food poisoning, only to find out I had a massive blockage. a few hours later they had me under the knife. Lg and Sm sectioned, and the appendix removed. I got little to no advise on how to live, "just eat normal" seemed to be the buzz words. had a horrible reaction to Asacol, and no one either listened, or didn't care. I was told "oh thats the medicine that works for your disease" so I stopped taking it after several months as I just could not take it what it was doing to me anymore. and for the most part have been trouble free, a few very minor flares, nothing like the current one.
I'm sorry for any typos, I have allot of them anyway, but I'm just so tired I don't even care to look right now....uughh I hate this