I have heard that Crohns is genetic. That if you have it everyone in your family has the gene but that some people's disease is never "triggered". That there are many different triggers but some peoples immune systems are strong enough to never be effected by the triggers like, bacterial infections. I was diagnosed after a MILD bacterial infection, the infection had cleared up completely and then, two months later, BAM I HAVE CROHNS.
--My mothers mother has Crohns. My "fathers" mother has Crohns Disease(Died recently due to complications of Crohns and cancer). One of my moms brothers has it. My older sister AND older brother have it also. Although I do have a twin sister who DOES NOT have it. and there is no telling how many members if our family are un-diagnosed. Those are only the diagnosed ones.
It is easy for me to believe the genetic/"trigger" theory because, I have a twin sister, who has grown up with me, right by my side. If i got into something so did she. If i ate something, so did she. Though, she has never had bad medical problems and barely ever gets even the flu or a cold.
Who really knows what causes this illness?-----