RELAX, folks! There were some serious mistakes made w/the administration of the IV phenergan. Properly administered phenergan has been a BLESSING for many of us for years and years.
As I remember it: the IV phenergan accidentally infiltrated an artery.
Phenergan's PH is not neutral. I forget if it is higher or lower. Undiluted or improperly diluted it can STING on administration, it can cause superficial thrombophlebitis, it can cause a blood clot.
It should be properly administered via a small bag of diluent such as NS, or at the very least diluted w/10 ccs of NS and administered at a port high up the line rather than at the site of the IV set and administered slowly.
The same holds true for IV Toradol which is becoming more and more popular, especially in hospitals, for pain relief w/o the the narcotic side effects of the older IV pain relievers such as morphine and more effective. Toradol is an NSAID.