Oh yeah...right there with you on the stones. Been having trouble myself this year. My doc recommends lots and lots of water as well as calcium citrate supplements. The brand I take
is Citracal. Calcium citrate is the ONLY calcium supplement that DOES NOT form stones. I also throw in a few glass of good ole cranberry juice at least three times a week or when I feel a UTI coming on just for good measure. The cranberry juice is suppose to keep deposits from adhering to the urinary tract. Be warned that cranberry juice is acidic and can be rough on the tummy. I cut mine in half with apple juice and/or gingerale. I also agree that the further you stay away from cola, tea and coffee the better off you are as well! Hope this helps someone!
Now, I have a question. Does anyone know exactly how long it takes any kind of stone to form? I had my latest UT scan this month and if by chance another one shows it's nasty little head I'm curious what kind of time frame (if any) that I can expect. I'm sure alot depends on diet and such. Any thoughts out there from the stone kings/queens?