beer definitely doesn't work with me.....when i'm flaring and to a lesser extent when i'm not...every sip feels like i'm being punched in the stomach followed shortly by running to the bathroom with diarrhea, not good when your at a crowded bar where there are lines for the bathroom......the weird thing about
beer for me though, is if i let myself get through the torture of the first 3 or so beers and i get a good buzz on, i start to feel great, lol, no D or other symptoms and i have a blast...but then i pay for it big time the next day sometimes even the day after that........
wine when i'm flaring is no good, i think it might be too acidic or something, hurts my stomach, in kind of the same way juice does......white wine seems easier to handle than red, for me anyway....
hard liquor....for me the clear liquors are better.....i had a few cranberry vodkas last week, and felt fine.............drank whiskey last summer, felt not so fine.....tequilla seems ok for me, at least from what i can remember, lol.....
this alcohol thing really bugs me, because i like to drink, i love microbrew beers, i enjoy top shelf liqours and good wine.......but 99% of the time i convince myself its not worth the pain and suffering drinking brings due to this disease.....but i still allow myself let loose the other 1% of the time, lol