EMom said...
We use Theralac which you can google if you wish to check out the strains. There are many good brands on the market, though. Someone here uses Udo's and I've also purchased Dr.Murray's and VSL#3 in the past.
Probably the most common prebiotic is FOS. Elaine Gottschall is opposed to those with Crohn's or UC using the prebiotic FOS. If you want to know why, you can read this explanation:
FOS occurs naturally in foods like bananas, so you can get FOS naturally!
Although this next article is ultimately selling a specific brand of probiotics (which I'd never heard of before finding the article), the information in the article is well presented, explaining why probiotics are so good for everyone. Under the section, "Probiotics--What to look for in a good supplement...", check out the second paragraph:
As for your question, "do you think your condition has anything to do with gut flora?", all I can say is our pediatric GI believes beyond a shadow of a doubt that gut flora is involved. His words to me were something like, "massive gut-flora imbalance". He wouldn't speculate on what he believes the culprit is and further stated, "everyone has their theory", but he believes it to be the case, nonetheless. It definitely made me decide probiotics are well worth the investment!
I can see why youre trusitng Theralac. They talk about
more than just probiotics but also the actual delivery of live bacteria.
I am starting to doubt if VSL#3 is really all it claims to be. If there really is 450 bil per packet and if they are alive and if they make it it to where they're supposed to be going. However as for the effects they claim its one of the few with a double-blind, placebo-controlled study backing.