I havn't posted on here for ages but I used to be a regular visitor when my crohns was at its worst. After having a resection in 2006 my quality of life was 100% better. However I am a nursing student and last year I began my placements in february, I was on azathioprine but was never told about the risks of picking up infections because of being immunosupressed. I was aware but was not prepared for what has happened to me this year. Since february 2008 I have had infection after infection pretty much every 3 weeks. I stopped my azathioprine through my own choice in april to give my immune system a fighting chance, however that doesnt seem to have made much difference. I understand being in a hospital enviroment im more susceptable but can anyone say theyv picked up this ammount of infections in such a small space of time.
I started to wonder if it was the tablets or if chrons disease in general makes your immune system weaker. I get thrush every 4 weeks for no reason, ear infections are a big thing as our colds and sore throats after drinking alcohol. Im starting to get very fed up as im also getting say to say cramps and D anyway. At 19 i am on prozac because my mood has been constantly low because im ill all the time and iv never been so scared about getting another cold.
anyone experiencing the same problems or could enlighten me a bit more about our immune sytems with corhns im starting to get desperate......
many thanks
claire hunt