After going for many years without any problems, last week I started passing some blood (very dark, very pungent odor), called GI doc, sent to ER, admitted to hospital. Later that day, with 'intestinal bleeding' very noticeable, I passed out while sitting and was sent to ICU for three days. There I was tested to find problem (upper GI, colonscopy, nuclear medicine blood trace, blood tests). Finally the doc said it just appears that my treatment protocol (Pentasa) was not working. Is this a normal 'flare-up'? I did not have any pain or cramping prior the episode, just a lot of blood. The doc is giving me IV steroids now, but a previous experience with Prednisone makes me very wary of side effects, especially weight gain. He is considering Azathioprine. Does this have a history of success (first priority) and/or weight gain (important also). Any input would be appreciated.
PS: I am amazed at the size of this website.