Ask your dr. about checking for kidney stones. i was having some lower back aches for about 2 weeks after i had slipped and fell on my rearend after helping my kids pack down snow for sledding. i honostly thought the backache was due to that. then on sunday 2 weeks later, my daughter tells me i was really sick(i don't remember because i was apparently in annaphalactic shock according to the er drs.). she was taking my temperature every 15 minutes and writing it down. she said i was fussing and yelling at her to leave me alone and i that i would call the dr. tomorrow. i still have no remembrance of this day. the last time she took my temperature it said 104.7 . my brother's mother in law called to check on us and beth told her that i was sick and what my temperature was. she rushed over and together they got me dressed and called my neighbor to ask if my daughter and son could stay with them(beth was in 4th and matt was in 5th grades). i was taken to the er and into surgery. i had 3 kidney stones the size of quarters and my baody was eat up with infection. after i got out of surgery, the dr. gave me an hour to an hour and a hlf to live or die. he said that had my daughter not gotten me help, i would have died that night. what i do remember is when i woke up in the hospital a few days later, my kids,my sister,my dad,and my best friend were all there. the only thing i was told was that i had kidney stones. the rest i found out later. i also found out that stones were another "side effect" of crohn's disease. thanks crohn's!
my daughter saved my life that night and will forever be my hero! she has since been my protector and makes sure that if i have meds to take,i do so,and everything that needs to be done, gets done. she was 9 yrs old at that time and has blossomed into a beautiful,caring 15 yr old young lady.